Pretty often I have seen that my ideas would not land, people just don’t grasp them, don’t see them the way I do. The same applies to my pet projects,...
I don’t think there are many people around who have not heard about Jim Collins. He is a legendary figure in the world of business literature. Hard to count how...
The McKinsey, The Firm - I heard this name million times, in news, books, and even movies. I never quite understand what makes this consulting company stand out and succeed...
Zreo to One intrigued me from the very begining by the story behind how it was created. In 2012 Blake Masters took class “CS 183: Startup” at Stanford lead by...
It is hard to disagree with “A Sense of Urgency”, people tend to focus more on the activity rather than output, create a false sense of urgency, resist changes. But...