
Engineering manager book shelf

I don’t read a lot about management, but when I do - it is usually recommendation from somebody I admire and respect. Therefore sharing a list of books that were...

Software engineer book shelf

I would not advocate that you need to read a lot of books to become an excellent software engineer, nevertheless, there are books reading which could drastically improve your skills....

"Primed to perform" - 2 minutes book review

Create productive organisation culture - “Primed to Perform”.

"Turn the Ship Around!" - 2 minutes book review

Story about the submarine captain fighting established bureaucracy machine - “Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders by L. David Marquet”.

Сінгапур за 96 годин

96 годин 🤯 саме стільки можна перебувати в Сінгапурі 🇸🇬 з метою транзиту без візи Українцям🇺🇦. Отже, в кращому випадку, це 3 ночі 🌌 і на мою думку цього майже...

"Atomic habit" - 2 minutes book review

How to create habits and make them stay - “Atomic habit”.